Management Liability

Management Liability
What is Management Liability?
You may already have your public, employers’ and product liability in place as a company. Management responsibility includes key persons as well as a company’s organisation for a whole host of problems related to decisions taken, errors made, and wrongful acts that are taking place. A Management Liability policy appears to be divided into three types of coverage, Directors and Officers Protection, Work Practices Liability and Corporate Legal Liability, as these areas can be so complicated and the laws surrounding them so particular.
Please contact us on 0800 180 4203 for more information and we will be more than help you with your Management Liability cover.
Directors & Officers Protection
In their day-to-day jobs, executives, managers and personnel are subject to different duties and expectations. If an individual fails to meet these requirements, via civil , criminal or regulatory proceedings, they may be held personally liable. A D&O scheme protects people from unfair actions, covering the expense of prosecuting and reimbursing associated rewards for these claims. With D&O claims growing fourfold in the past 10 years, it is becoming important to be covered by D&O insurance for directors, managers and employees.
Work Practices Liability
This provides protection for lawsuits made by workers in the hiring process for wrongful acts, such as wrongful termination, bullying and sexual harassment.
Corporate Legal Liability
Corporate liability provides the corporation (‘the corporate entity’) with cover from lawsuits arising from the actions of its employees.
Get In Touch Today.
0800 180 4203
115 – 125 Bradshawgate
Greater Manchester